Tasks on Day 1

Bar Task (Wascher & Beste, 2013)

This task evaluates attentional performance in a perceptual control task. The task is to respond to luminance changes in 1 of 2 symmetrically presented bars and to press the corresponding response key.

Psychomotor Vigilance Test (Dinges & Powell, 1985; Wascher et al. 2022)

The standard 10-minute psychomotor vigilance test measures sustained or vigilant attention by recording response times to visual stimuli that occur at random interstimulus intervals.

Simon Task (Simon, 1969; Hoppe et al. 2017)

The Simon task measures stimulus-response compatibility and conflict processing. The Simon effect refers to the observation that spatially arranged responses to nonspatial stimulus features (e.g,, shape, color) are faster when the task-irrelevant stimulus location and the response are on the same, than opposite, sides.

AX-Continuous Performance Task (AX-CPT) (Cohen, Barch, Carter & Servan-Schreiber, 1999; Sharifian et al. 2021)

The AX-CPT measures updating and strategy learning and pattern of proactive and reactive cognitive control. The AX-CPT requires participants to respond to a certain cue-probe pair (ie, target cue-target probe; AX trials) and to withhold their response or make an alternate response or use other cue-probe pairs. The proactive control mode has been associated with cue-driven processing, the reactive control mode with probe-driven processing.

Speech-in-Noise Perception Task (Getzmann & Wascher, 2017)

This task measures speech understanding and auditory distractibility. A simulated auditory stock market scenario is used in which the participants have to respond to a target company and its market value. This target company is included in 50% of the trials, the price of which is 50% above or below a critical value. The target company and value are presented in the presence of two competing companies.