Neuropsychological Testing

A wide range of cognitive functions are evaluated using standardized neuropsychological tests:
- Memory span and working memory (Digit-Span forward and backward from HAWIE-R, the German version of WAIS-IIIR)
- Semantic memory (Word-Fluency test in written and spoken versions from LPS)
- Selective attention, vand attentional endurance (D2-R)
- lateralization and motor functions (Perdue Pegboard Test)
- Crystallized intelligence (Multiple-Choice Word Test; MWT-B)
- General cognitive status (Mini-Mental-State-Examination; MMSE)
- Different aspects of verbal memory (Verbal Learning and Memory Tests; VLMT, a German version of the RAVLT)
- Psycho-motor performance, speed of processing (Digit-Symbol-Test from HAWIE)
- Interference control, inhibition (Stroop-Test from Nürnberg Aging Inventar (NAI))
- Speed of processing and task switching (Trail-Making-Test; TMT-A and TMT-B)
- Logical reasoning (performance testing system LPS-3)
- Spatial rotation (performance testing system LPS-7)
- Non-verbal intelligence (Raven’s Progressive Matrices 2)
All neuropsychological tests will be used to generate the g-factor indicating fluid intelligence.